When is the Right Time to Buy a Home in Comox Valley?
2022 was a rocky year for homeowners and real estate professionals alike. And, if you’re wondering how 2023 is going to pan out, you’ve come to the right place. The real estate market on Vancouver Island is generally known to be quite stable. However, in the last two years, it has seen some ups and downs—much like other typically stable markets in Canada. Since the beginning of 2022, citizens of Canada have been hopeful that with time, the prices of real estate would come down. And, in many places, housing prices have come down—with a catch of course. In this article, we will be taking a closer look at housing trends in Comox Valley, and more generally, Vancouver Island.
Follow along below to learn more about whether or not you should buy a home in Comox Valley!
What to Expect When Buying a Home in Comox Valley in 2023?

If your goals for 2023 involve buying a home in Comox Valley, there are a few things you need to know. Firstly, home prices have undoubtedly gone down in 2023 and are rumoured to continue to drop off. This is not to say that prices have dropped dramatically. Instead, they have simply cooled from their peak. For homebuyers, this is good news. It means that the market is stabilizing. Another thing that buyers and sellers need to be wary of, is the cooling-off period that was announced last July. On January 3, 2023, this new rule was formally implemented in British Columbia.
According to CTV News, this new legislation is intended to provide “buyers some protection in the face of rising interest rates and what [the government] calls high-pressure sales tactics.” It is important to note that the cooling-off period does not apply when homes are auctioned or when the home is on leased land. The cooling-off period allows buyers three business days to think about their purchase. Furthermore, it allows buyers to back out of the deal for a number of reasons including:
- They no longer want to purchase the home
- The pruchaser cannot secure financing
- They cannot arrange a home inspection
However, despite this new recession period, backing out of the deal is not free. If a buyer back out of a deal, they will have to pay 0.25 percent of the offer. On a one million dollar offer, that equates to a $2,500 fine. The reason for a fine is to prevent buyers from having an unfair advantage.
Interest Rates, How to Navigate the Market, and More.

The other thing that buyers need to be wary of, is interest rates. If you’ve paid attention to the news at all in the last few months, you’d know that the Bank of Canada has been increasing the key interest rate bit by bit. This has resulted in the average cost of a mortgage skyrocketing. For those with variable-rate mortgages, the pressure has been immense. And, in the case of first-time home buyers, many have been forced to hold off on their dreams of homeownership. Most analysts have predicted that 2023 will be a rough year in terms of mortgages. However, with that, they also predict that rates will come down again by early 2024.
So how do you buy a home given the conditions? And, is it risky to sell your current home? The answer is not one-size fits all. Depending on you and your specific situation, the current conditions might not impact you in a way that prevents you from buying or selling. However, for others buying a home could be pushing the bounds a little too far. If you are unsure, we encourage you to consult with one of our Comox REALTORS® to find an option that best fits your unique position. Buying a home in Comox Valley is a big milestone, and it is important to take the time to assess the situation before rushing into anything!
Contact us About Buying or Selling a Home in Comox Valley.
If you are curious about buying or selling a home in Comox Valley, we encourage you to contact us today! If you have any questions about the market conditions in Comox, be sure to reach out to us! We are excited to get your spring real estate goals on track. A home in Comox Valley is a great lifetime investment. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any concerns or inquiries about real estate in Comox Valley. Be sure to check out our social media here, and return next month for more real estate-related content! We look forward to working with you in the near future.
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