
rlp comox extreme heat real estate effects

Understanding the Impact of Extreme Heat on British Columbia’s Real Estate: A Focus on Comox Valley

British Columbia is no stranger to nature’s extremes, but recent years have seen unprecedented heatwaves that have left residents and experts alike questioning the future. Among the regions affected, Comox Valley stands out, not just for its scenic beauty and vibrant community, but also for how its real estate market is evolving in response to these climatic changes. This article explores the interplay between extreme heat and the real estate landscape in Comox Valley, offering insights for potential buyers and investors.

The Rising Heat: A New Normal for British Columbia

British Columbia’s weather patterns have shifted dramatically, with heatwaves becoming more frequent and intense. The summer of 2021 was a stark reminder, as temperatures soared to record-breaking highs, affecting the environment, economy, and daily life. These heatwaves are not isolated incidents but part of a larger trend linked to global climate change. The implications are vast, from health risks to infrastructure stress, and they inevitably ripple through the housing market.

Comox Valley: A Jewel Under the Sun

Nestled on the eastern coast of Vancouver Island, Comox Valley is renowned for its picturesque landscapes, outdoor activities, and a strong sense of community. Traditionally, the valley has enjoyed a temperate climate, making it a desirable place to live. However, the area’s real estate market is experiencing notable shifts as extreme heat becomes more common.

Climate’s Influence on Real Estate in Comox Valley

  1. Demand for Climate-Resilient Homes:
    Homebuyers are increasingly prioritizing climate resilience in their search criteria. Properties with features like energy-efficient cooling systems, high-quality insulation, and heat-resistant landscaping are in higher demand. Builders and developers in Comox Valley are responding by incorporating these elements into new construction developments, making them more attractive to environmentally conscious buyers.
  2. Shift in Buyer Demographics:
    The extreme heat is influencing demographic trends in Comox Valley’s real estate market. Retirees, who have traditionally flocked to the region for its mild climate, are now more cautious. Meanwhile, younger families and professionals, who can adapt more easily to changing conditions, are becoming a more prominent buyer demographic.
  3. Insurance and Maintenance Costs:
    As temperatures rise, so do the associated costs of homeownership. Increased utility bills for air conditioning, higher insurance premiums due to the risk of heat-related damage, and the need for regular maintenance to combat the effects of extreme weather all contribute to the overall cost of living. Prospective buyers need to factor these considerations into their decisions.
  4. Value of Outdoor Spaces:
    Outdoor living spaces have always been a selling point in Comox Valley, but their value has surged amid the changing climate. Properties featuring shaded gardens, covered patios, and swimming pools are seeing increased interest. These features not only provide comfort but also enhance the property’s appeal and market value.

How Royal LePage REALTORS® Are Adapting to the New Reality of Extreme Heat

For real estate agents and brokers at Royal LePage in the Comox Valley, understanding and addressing the implications of extreme heat is crucial.

Here are some strategies we employ to help our buyers and sellers:

  1. Educating Clients:
    Informing potential buyers and sellers about the impacts of extreme heat on properties can build trust and credibility. Providing data on energy-efficient homes, climate resilience measures, and cost implications can help our clients make better, more informed decisions.
  2. Highlighting Resilient Properties:
    Emphasize listings that feature climate-resilient designs and technologies. Use marketing materials to showcase how these homes are equipped to handle extreme heat, thus offering long-term value and comfort to buyers.
  3. Encouraging Sustainable Practices:
    Advocate for sustainable living practices among homeowners. Simple steps like installing solar panels, using drought-resistant plants in landscaping, and upgrading to energy-efficient appliances can make a significant difference in mitigating the effects of extreme heat.
  4. Staying Informed:
    Keep abreast of the latest research and trends in climate change and its impact on real estate. Being knowledgeable allows our agents to better serve their clients and adapt to the evolving real estate market landscape.

Looking Ahead: A Balanced Perspective on Extreme Heat

While extreme heat presents challenges, it also offers opportunities for innovation and growth in Comox Valley’s real estate market. By focusing on sustainability, resilience, and education, the community can adapt to the changing climate while maintaining its appeal as a desirable place to live.

For potential buyers, now is the time to invest in properties that not only meet current needs but are also equipped to handle future climatic shifts. For sellers and real estate professionals, highlighting the features and benefits of climate-resilient homes can set them apart in a competitive market.

The intersection of extreme heat and real estate in Comox Valley underscores the importance of forward-thinking and adaptability. As the climate continues to evolve, so too must our approach to living and thriving in this beautiful region. With the right strategies and mindset, Comox Valley can continue to be a vibrant, sustainable community for years to come.

If you’re looking for a REALTOR® who can help you with climate-minded real estate in Comox Valley then get in touch with us today!

comox homes for sale

How to Make Comox Valley Houses More Sustainable

Reducing your home’s impact on the environment is a great way to take action and preserve the Comox Valley landscape. Building a greener and more eco-friendly town is an integral part of reducing our carbon footprints. By making small changes to our homes, we can save both money and the surrounding ecosystems. Many of the improvements we are going to discuss in this post can be done at little or no cost and take very minimal effort/time. In addition to these, we are going to list a few larger improvements that will require a higher upfront investment, but equate to greater long-term savings. Follow along below to discover the ways that you can make your Comox Valley houses more sustainable!

Budget-Friendly Ways to Make Comox Valley Houses Eco-Friendly

  1. Limit & Properly Dispose of Waste

Limiting and properly disposing of waste is a great way to start improving your household’s sustainability. It’s also a hands-on way to educate kids about the importance of local waste management. Consider creating an area in your home that is dedicated to the separation of waste. This could be under your kitchen sink, in the garage, or in another convenient location. Make sure you have the appropriate recycling bins (glass, plastic, paper/cardboard), waste bins, and compost bins. Happy separating!

  1. Research Rebates

The initial cost of making big changes to your home like adding solar or investing in energy-efficient appliances can be expensive. Because of this, the government sometimes incentivizes these sorts of projects by offering rebates to help with the initial cost. Doing some research to see if you can get money for making a sustainable upgrade is a great step in the right direction! 

  1. Xeriscape Your Home

The landscaping in our yards is often centred around a lush, green lawn. While lawns are appealing and good for playing with children, they are detrimental to the environment. Grass requires an incredible amount of water and care in order for it to remain a vibrant green. And, in Comox Valley, water restrictions usually dictate that our lawns will be beige for a large part of the year anyway. Our recommendation is to switch to xeriscaping. Xeriscaping is a form of landscaping that focuses on using native plants and eliminating the use of grass. This will help you cut down on your water bill and give back to the land.

  1. Use a Clothesline

Drying clothes outdoors is something that people have been doing for centuries. While it may not always be possible due to weather, it remains an effective way to reduce energy consumption and save money.

Luxury Upgrades to Make Your Home More Sustainable

  1. Invest in Quality Windows

Poor windows are notorious for causing loss of heat in our homes. This is especially true for those who live in an older home with single-pane windows. Leaky windows can cause you to spend thousands of dollars more on your monthly heating and cooling bills without even knowing. If you want to cut back on energy loss, start by resealing your windows. If you find that this doesn’t make much of an impact, consider replacing your windows with more energy-efficient ones. 

  1. Consider Solar

Nowadays, many property owners are switching to solar energy. New technologies have made solar much more accessible to homeowners looking for a greener way to live. Implementing solar energy in your home will drastically reduce the amount of electricity you consume. And, you’ll make your home sustainable since it will be running primarily on clean energy. Many companies offer rebates for solar, so be sure to look into this prior to investing!

  1. Switch out Your Appliances

In one home, there are several appliances that are used on a daily basis. For instance, a refrigerator, freezer, oven, HVAC system, dishwasher, washer and dryer. The amount of energy required to operate these appliances on a daily basis is considerable. If you truly want to cut back on energy bills, investing in energy-efficient appliances is a must. Look for Energy Star appliances if you choose to make the switch. However, it is important to not throw away aging appliances that still work—this defeats the purpose of being environmentally friendly. Instead, see if you can find new homes for your appliances when they’ve exceeded their use. 

Contact us About Comox Valley Houses!

If you are curious about buying Comox Valley houses, we encourage you to contact us today! If you have any questions about properties in the area, be sure to reach out to us! We are excited to get your fall real estate goals on track. A home in the Comox Valley is a great lifetime investment. Be sure to check out our social media here, and return next month for more real estate-related content! We look forward to working with you in the near future.

comox valley homes

How to Maintain Your Comox Valley Home’s Value?

Purchasing a home in the Comox Valley is a big investment. In order to maintain the value of their home, homeowners must be prepared to do a lot of upkeep. Without regular maintenance, homes can quickly become dilapidated and lose their value. If you are planning to sell one day, it is crucial that you protect your home’s value to ensure that you can still turn a profit on your investment. Those who fail to maintain their property value could risk losing a large profit! This is why this month’s article is going to be focussed on ways to protect your home’s value. Below we will be going over our top tips for how to ensure your home is profitable when it comes time to sell. Continue reading to learn more!

Perform Regular Maintenance

If you want to maintain your home’s value, you will need to perform regular maintenance duties. After all, very few buyers will be interested in purchasing a home that’s falling apart. One of the best maintenance tasks that you can do as a homeowner, is clean your home regularly. Keeping a neat and tidy home is a great way to ensure that it ages well. Plus, if your home is clean (inside and outside), then you will be better able to spot issues when they arise. 

In addition to this, repainting every 5-10 years is another good maintenance task to perform in order to keep your home looking new. If you just moved in, be sure to take care of any major issues that you are aware of right away. For instance, electrical problems, water damage, and plumbing issues should be addressed immediately. However, it is also important to make little fixes/take preventative measures so that you can avoid larger problems down the road. For example, weatherproofing, replacing broken roof tiles, cleaning gutters, repairing insulation, or fixing a leaky faucet. Staying on top of your regular maintenance duties is the number one way to ensure that your home maintains its value!

Make Sure Your Comox Valley Home is in Line With Government Standards

After living in your home for a while, you may be tempted to make renovations/upgrades. This is a normal desire and can often help increase the value of your home. However, this is only the case when improvements are done right. Before you start any project, consult with a professional or at the very least do some research. You’ll want to keep in mind how your proposed project will affect your ROI, what kinds of permits are needed, and whether it is worth the extra money.

If you decide to go ahead with your project, be sure that everything is built to local health and safety standards. This means that if you are an avid DIYer, having a professional come and inspect your project is a good idea. Furthermore, it is crucial that you obtain the necessary permits to complete your project. Failure to do so could cost you a lot of money later on. Especially if you are making a major upgrade! Overall, making sure that your home stays up to government standards is very important. 

Upgrade Your Curb Appeal

Lastly, if you are planning on selling in the near future, then you should consider upgrading your home’s curb appeal. The first impression your home gives off is crucial to potential buyers. In fact, most buyers will form their judgements about a home within the first few seconds of looking at the property. In order to give the best first impression, it is important to maintain your home’s curb appeal. This means weeding garden beds, replacing soil where needed, mowing the lawn, pruning plants, and raking away debris. Moreover, you may consider pressure washing outside surfaces like your driveway, walkways, steps, deck, siding, or fence. It is also good practice to repaint the exterior of your home if it is looking faded or weathered. Simply spending a couple of hours per week in your yard can drastically improve your curb appeal. 

Contact us Today about finding a new Comox Valley Home!

If you are curious about what other items you can do to maintain the value of your home, we encourage you to contact us today! If you have any questions about houses in the area, be sure to reach out to us! We are excited to get your spring real estate goals on track. A house in Comox Valley is a great lifetime investment. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any concerns or inquiries about real estate in Comox Valley. Be sure to check out our social media here, and return next month for more real estate-related content! We look forward to working with you in the near future.

house comox valley

Safety Tips When Moving into a House in Comox Valley

Moving into a new home is exciting, especially if you’re a first-time home buyer! However, it can also be stressful and tiresome. As you work towards unpacking your belongings and getting used to your new home, there are a few things you should keep in mind. The most important being safety and security. When you move into a new house in Comox Valley, it is good practice to take some safety precautions. For instance, changing the locks or installing a security camera. In this article, we will be going over some of our best security tips for moving into a new home. Although Comox is relatively crime-free, the following advice will ensure that your new home is safe and secure. Continue reading below to learn more!

How to Keep Your New House in Comox Valley Safe?

  1. Fire Safety

When you move into your new home, it is important that you take the necessary steps to ensure that it is fire safe. When people consider the safety and security of their homes, they often focus on human intruders. However, house fires are much more likely to occur. And the number one cause of house fires is usually unattended cooking. To mitigate the risks of house fires, be sure to check that your smoke detectors are working. Replace any dead batteries and test that all alarms are in order. 

Another fire-safety tip is to make sure that you have a fire extinguisher handy.  A good rule of thumb is to have one extinguisher per floor of your house. And, one of these should live in your kitchen! Fire extinguishers are often forgotten about tools. However, they can make the difference in a small incident vs. a major tragedy. 

  1. Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Another item to check is your carbon monoxide detectors. Carbon monoxide is colourless, tasteless, and odourless, which makes it virtually impossible to detect without an alarm. There are various household appliances that can produce carbon monoxide. For instance, water heaters, furnaces/boilers, fireplaces (gas/woodburning) and gas stoves. Homes that use gas or oil should have a carbon monoxide detector. Be sure to check your carbon monoxide detectors regularly. 

  1. Dryer Vent

Dryer vents can be unsuspectingly dangerous. Especially, when they’re clogged! When you move into a new home, it is important to check that your dryer vents are clean. A clogged dryer vent is a common cause of house fires. Cleaning your dryer vents regularly will mitigate fire risks and help your dryer run more efficiently!

More Tips!

  1. Evacuation Plan

If you have school-aged children, then you’ve probably been asked what the household evacuation plan is. Most children are taught early on in their education that every home should have an evacuation plan in case of an emergency. However, even those without children should think about this. Having a solid evacuation plan can prevent confusion and chaos in the event that something goes awry. Your evacuation plan should include exit strategies from every room in your home and a meeting place. Be sure to choose a meeting place that is off of, or near the edge of, your property.

  1. Door Locks

After moving into a new home, the last thing that’s probably going to be on your mind is changing the locks. However, taking the time to install new locks is a key step in your home’s safety. You should have your locks replaced or rekeyed upon moving in. Unless you are certain that your home’s locks are brand new, you never know who might have a key to your new home. At the end of the day, it’s better to be safe than sorry and take the time to replace your locks. 

  1. Security System

If your new house in Comox Valley doesn’t have a security system, then you might want to consider adding one. Houses with security systems are much less likely to be broken into or vandalized. Furthermore, it can add value to your home if you decide to sell it later on. Make sure you buy your security system from a reputable company. And, if you want to save some money, consider installing the cameras yourself.  

Contact us About a House in Comox Valley

If you are curious about what safety items to complete when moving into a house in Comox Valley, we encourage you to contact us today! If you have any questions about houses in the area, be sure to reach out to us! We are excited to get your spring real estate goals on track. A house in Comox Valley is a great lifetime investment. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any concerns or inquiries about real estate in Comox Valley. Be sure to check out our social media here, and return next month for more real estate-related content! We look forward to working with you in the near future.

comox valley homes for sale

When is the Right Time to Buy a Home in Comox Valley?

2022 was a rocky year for homeowners and real estate professionals alike. And, if you’re wondering how 2023 is going to pan out, you’ve come to the right place. The real estate market on Vancouver Island is generally known to be quite stable. However, in the last two years, it has seen some ups and downs—much like other typically stable markets in Canada. Since the beginning of 2022, citizens of Canada have been hopeful that with time, the prices of real estate would come down. And, in many places, housing prices have come down—with a catch of course. In this article, we will be taking a closer look at housing trends in Comox Valley, and more generally, Vancouver Island.

Follow along below to learn more about whether or not you should buy a home in Comox Valley!

What to Expect When Buying a Home in Comox Valley in 2023?

buying homes in comox valley royal lepage

If your goals for 2023 involve buying a home in Comox Valley, there are a few things you need to know. Firstly, home prices have undoubtedly gone down in 2023 and are rumoured to continue to drop off. This is not to say that prices have dropped dramatically. Instead, they have simply cooled from their peak.  For homebuyers, this is good news. It means that the market is stabilizing. Another thing that buyers and sellers need to be wary of, is the cooling-off period that was announced last July. On January 3, 2023, this new rule was formally implemented in British Columbia.

According to CTV News, this new legislation is intended to provide “buyers some protection in the face of rising interest rates and what [the government] calls high-pressure sales tactics.” It is important to note that the cooling-off period does not apply when homes are auctioned or when the home is on leased land. The cooling-off period allows buyers three business days to think about their purchase. Furthermore, it allows buyers to back out of the deal for a number of reasons including: 

  1. They no longer want to purchase the home
  2. The pruchaser cannot secure financing
  3. They cannot arrange a home inspection

However, despite this new recession period, backing out of the deal is not free. If a buyer back out of a deal, they will have to pay 0.25 percent of the offer. On a one million dollar offer, that equates to a $2,500 fine. The reason for a fine is to prevent buyers from having an unfair advantage. 

Interest Rates, How to Navigate the Market, and More.

comox valley homes for sale bc

The other thing that buyers need to be wary of, is interest rates. If you’ve paid attention to the news at all in the last few months, you’d know that the Bank of Canada has been increasing the key interest rate bit by bit. This has resulted in the average cost of a mortgage skyrocketing. For those with variable-rate mortgages, the pressure has been immense. And, in the case of first-time home buyers, many have been forced to hold off on their dreams of homeownership. Most analysts have predicted that 2023 will be a rough year in terms of mortgages. However, with that, they also predict that rates will come down again by early 2024. 

So how do you buy a home given the conditions? And, is it risky to sell your current home? The answer is not one-size fits all. Depending on you and your specific situation, the current conditions might not impact you in a way that prevents you from buying or selling. However, for others buying a home could be pushing the bounds a little too far. If you are unsure, we encourage you to consult with one of our Comox REALTORS® to find an option that best fits your unique position. Buying a home in Comox Valley is a big milestone, and it is important to take the time to assess the situation before rushing into anything! 

Contact us About Buying or Selling a Home in Comox Valley. 

If you are curious about buying or selling a home in Comox Valley, we encourage you to contact us today! If you have any questions about the market conditions in Comox, be sure to reach out to us! We are excited to get your spring real estate goals on track. A home in Comox Valley is a great lifetime investment. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any concerns or inquiries about real estate in Comox Valley. Be sure to check out our social media here, and return next month for more real estate-related content! We look forward to working with you in the near future.

comox homes with curb appeal

Home Improvements to Add Value To Comox Valley Properties

Home renovations are a great way to add value to Comox Valley properties. Or, make the space more inviting. However, not all home renovations are worth your time and money. It is important that you choose the right home renovation projects so that you can get a sufficient return on your investment. Because of such high-interest rates, it is expensive to afford home renovations. Materials and lending rates are through the roof. Thus, forcing homeowners to pick and choose their renovation projects. In this article, we will be going over the top renovations that you should make to your home before the year is over. Follow along below to learn more!

Add Space to Comox Valley Properties.

Since the onslaught of the pandemic, buyers are looking for space now more than ever. This means homeowners need to make their properties feel as spacious as possible. Adding outdoor spaces, workspaces, and recreation spaces to your home is a sure way to add value. Any kind of remodel that increases your square footage or gives the illusion of more space, will be a worthwhile investment. 

One of the ways you can achieve this is by creating a home office. If your property doesn’t have a workspace, it is a good idea to add one. Whether you build a detached building on your property or convert a room is up to you. However, there are a lot of folks looking for a home with adequate office space. An in-home office is a great addition that is certain to add value to your property. According to HomeLight, a home office can add over $10,000 in resale value. In fact, if you decide to add a detached office space it can provide about $66,000 in value to your home. 

Another way to add value by making space in your home is to finish your basement. If you have an unfinished basement, you’re practically throwing away valuable space. Take charge and make it your winter project. A finished basement can add $50,000 in value to the asking price of your home. You can leave this space blank or turn it into a gym, office, or lounge area.  

Next, is opening up the floorplan. If your home is dated and feels cramped because of the walls, consider knocking some of them down. Free-flowing space in the kitchen and living areas is essential to buyers. Open layouts are the key to good workflow.

What About the Outside?

Curb appeal and outdoor spaces are another big draw for buyers. A lackluster exterior will make buyers question how you’ve taken care of the interior. Don’t make this mistake! An attractive landscape will entice buyers from the moment they see the property. And, it will give them the idea that your home is well-taken care of. Performing simple tasks such as weeding, cutting the grass, and replanting dead plants, can make all of the difference. 

If you want to take your home’s outdoor areas to the next level, consider hiring a professional. Investing in a rock wall or raised garden beds can help enhance the look and feel of your home. Moreover, adding or re-building a patio in your backyard will provide buyers with more usable outdoor space. This is great for those who want to entertain guests or enjoy the Comox Valley weather. 

Another way that you can add curb appeal to Comox Valley properties, is to get new doors and windows. A bright and bold front door can make a big difference in the overall look of your home. And, it can help improve the home’s energy efficiency. The same thing holds true for windows. Brand new windows on your home not only look great but also help to insulate the home. 

While we are on the topic of doors and windows, consider replacing your garage door. These large features have a big impact on the look of your property. If your neighbours have newly renovated garage doors, consider jumping on the bandwagon. HomeLight has found that a new garage door will give you a 133% ROI. Upgrading your garage door is a simple way to make Comox Valley properties stand out!

Contact Us About Comox Valley Properties!

Improving the look of your Comox Valley properties will help you add value to the asking price o your home! By choosing your renovations wisely, you can stand to make a great ROI! If you have any questions about renovating a property in Comox Valley, be sure to reach out to us! We are excited to get your fall real estate goals on track. A property in Comox Valley is a great life-long investment. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any concerns or inquiries about real estate in Comox Valley. Be sure to check back next month for more real estate related content! We look forward to working with you in the near future.

property for sale comox

Making Your Property in Comox Valley Energy Efficient!

Energy efficiency in your home can help you save thousands of dollars. For most individuals, the costs associated with living in their house account for a large portion of their income. Houses need plenty of maintenance and care in order to remain functional. Making sure that everything is operating accordingly can be a big job. Moreover, if you want to ensure that your home is environmentally friendly, you’ll have to go one step further. Despite the cost of some eco-friendly properties in Comox Valley, there are some inexpensive ways that you can improve the impact your home has on the environment. Going green shouldn’t require months and months of saving. In fact, it’s possible to save the planet on a budget! Most of these changes will even help you save money over time. This is because you will be conserving energy and cutting back on waste! Follow along below to learn about the most inexpensive ways to make your property in Comox Valley eco-friendly.

Have an Energy Audit Done on Your Home. 

Having someone perform an energy audit on your home can help you identify issues that will later save you tons of money. While the initial cost may seem high, having this procedure done is certainly worth the extra cash. An energy audit is a great way to determine what areas of your home need to be more energy-efficient. The procedure is done by an expert, who will test your home for many things. For example, how airtight your home is and use a thermographic scan to find out where you are losing heat. Once you have the results, you can come up with a solution to fix the problem areas. On average, a home energy audit costs between $300 and $500 depending on the size of your home. This may seem like a large amount to pay, but the long-term savings are well worth it. However, if this is still too pricey, there are some DIY solutions that you can try. 

Make Sure That Your Property in Comox Valley is Insulated. 

Insulation is the leading cause of energy efficiency problems in a household. And, most insulation-related issues can be remedied without the help of a professional. While it may not be the most thrilling way to spend your day, fixing your insulation can have many benefits. For instance, higher resale value and lower monthly heating and cooling costs! Commonly, homeowners will neglect to insulate their attic. This is a costly error. Insulating your attic can improve monthly spending on energy bills from 10-50%

Furthermore, those looking to improve insulation can add glaze around old windows. People who are living in older houses should think about fixing any cracked glazing around window panes. Taking the time to fix this can drastically reduce the amount of money you spend on your heating and cooling bills. 

Additionally, you can benefit from using spray foam around exterior windows and doors in your home. Houses with wood siding can develop gaps around the trim of windows and doors which have a negative impact on your home’s insulation. These gaps can be easily filled with spray foam or caulk. The same thing applies to the interior window and door trim. However, these gaps will usually be small enough to fill with caulk. When filling gaps in the interior of your home, be sure to buy caulk that can be painted over!

Save Water With Faucet Aerators!

Faucet aerators are a great tool to help with water consumption. Most modern faucets already have faucet aerators. However, if you see that your faucets don’t have these little gadgets, you may want to consider purchasing some. Aerators make a big difference in the way that your tap operates. For example, they maintain and improve water pressure, minimize the amount of water consumed, shape the stream of the water, prevent splashing, and catch debris. In addition, by adding aerators to your taps you can reduce the amount of water you use by up to 50%. Faucet aerators can be found at any hardware store or online for roughly $4-$8 each. This inexpensive addition will significantly lower your ecological footprint.

Contact Us About a Property in Comox Valley!

Improving the energy efficiency of your property in Comox will help you save money each month! Taking a more eco-friendly route is the perfect way to reduce annual spending and help the environment. If you have any questions about a property in Comox Valley, be sure to reach out to us! We are excited to get your summer real estate goals on track. A property in Comox Valley is an excellent seasonal investment. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any concerns or inquiries about real estate in Comox Valley. Be sure to check back next month for more real estate-related content! We look forward to working with you in the near future.

comox houses for sale

Comox Real Estate: Economic Drivers in Comox Valley!

If you are looking to move to Comox real estate, it is important to consider the economic drivers within the city. Comox has various economic drivers that can help you create and foster a business. Or, find a job within your interests. The city of Comox and surrounding areas have diverse economies that thrive in industries like tourism, agriculture, and construction. Join the workforce in this gorgeous city today with Comox real estate! Follow along below to learn more about the top three economic drivers in Comox Valley. 

Tourism Near Comox Real Estate.

It should come as no surprise that tourism is one of the leading industries in the city. Comox Valley and surrounding areas on Vancouver Island draw in many visitors from around the world. Over the years, Comox has been making a name for itself as a culinary and adventure destination. This epic city provides visitors with a unique opportunity to experience some of the world’s most spectacular views. For instance, it isn’t every day that you can ski down the mountainside whilst gazing over the pacific ocean. Or, cross-country skiing through one of the world’s oldest forests. Comox also has some of the most scenic golf courses in the country! Tee off overlooking the diverse Vancouver Island landscape. Visitors can mountain bike and hike through the extensive trail systems and paddle along the scenic shores.

No matter what season you visit Comox Valley, the tourism industry will always be booming! This is why tourism is one of the most prominent industries in Comox Valley. In the winter, Mount Washington is always looking for new staff to help with the season. As are various spas, restaurants, and markets. Comox also offers a range of outdoor tours and adventures. These activities can include, fishing tours, marine and wildlife tours, ziplining, hiking, mountain biking, golfing and so much more! 

Whether you are looking for a seasonal job or starting a business, tourism is a great industry to get into. There is a large influx of people that visit Comox each year to experience the unique landscape and thrilling adventures. 

Agriculture in Comox Valley.

Agriculture is another one of Comox Valley’s most popular industries. The humid climate and mild temperatures make for fertile farmland. Agriculture, fishing, and hunting are popular career segues in this area of Canada. Comox Valley boasts an incredible food culture because of its locally sourced goods. Fruits, vegetables, cheeses, yogurts, meats, and seafood are all locally produced, grown, caught, and harvested. Over 400 farms contribute to the agricultural production in Comox Valley. 

Starting a farm or providing your agricultural expertise to a farm in Comox are both viable career options in this area. Produce from your business can be sold at the renowned Comox Valley Farmers’ Market. This market is one of the only year-round markets in the country. People come from all over the coast to visit the vendors at the Comox Valley Farmers’ Market. Here you can find fruits, veggies, local meats and seafood, cheese, fresh pasta, wines, ciders, beers, and crafts! And, the farmers’ market also has an online marketplace for non-locals to access all products and produce. 

Join the Construction Industry With Comox Real Estate!

Construction is a major economic driver in not just Comox Valley but various other cities on Vancouver Island. One in ten workers on Vancouver Island is employed within the construction industry. A large majority of these employees work in manufacturing and the construction of houses. Forestry and logging have been popular job sectors in the past, however, they have faced some challenges in recent times. The demand for new houses has kept many construction companies/workers busy. The industry remains one of the most popular and stable in Comox. Joining the construction industry can provide a wealth of opportunities for you and your business.

Contact Us About Comox Real Estate Today!

Comox has a healthy economy with many opportunities in the tourism, agriculture and construction industries! If you want to learn more about the various economic drivers in Comox Valley, stay tuned to our blog. Comox real estate is the perfect place to start your career. For those who are interested in learning more about real estate in Comox Valley, reach out to us today. We’d be more than happy to help answer any questions that you may have about buying or selling real estate in this area. Contact us now and let our team of experts help you achieve your real estate goals. We look forward to working with you in the near future!

Homes for Sale in Comox

Summer Activities Near Homes for Sale in Comox!

Are you planning on moving to homes for sale in Comox this summer? If yes, then we have a list of fun summer activities to familiarize you with the town. By participating in some Comox summer fun, you can get to the locals! Make friends and find new favourite hangout spots by exploring Comox Valley. You’ll see why so many people have chosen to move to homes for sale in Comox. Follow along below to discover all of the awesome activities available to you in Comox Valley!

Outdoor Activities Near Homes for Sale in Comox.

Comox Valley is situated in one of the most attractive locations in all of British Columbia. This makes for scenic outdoor adventures and endless summer fun. From ocean views to lush hikes, Comox has it all. Residents of Comox Valley are familiar with the vast number of hiking trails and parks. Each one is popular for its stunning views and well-kept grounds. Some of the hiking trails and parks include Strathcona Provincial Park, Seal Bay Nature Park, Nymph Falls Nature Park, Wildwood Interpretive Forest, Royston Seaside Trail, Comox Marina Park, Miracle Beach and MacDonald Wood Park.

These parks and trails are the perfect places to get outside and do some exercise. For instance,  Strathcona Provincial Park allows visitors to camp, hike, and explore the backcountry. This park offers several kilometres of family-friendly and advanced trails. If hiking and camping aren’t up your alley, grab lunch and have a picnic at one of the aforementioned parks. Oceanside picnicking is sure to provide you with a view you won’t forget. 

Comox also has an extensive number of beaches and outdoor water activities for you and your family to try. Stand-up paddleboarding and kayaking are two popular pastimes in Comox. Try them out at one of the local favourite beaches like Goose Spit Beach, Kye Bay Beach, Miracle Beach Provincial Park, Comox Lake, or Saratoga Beach! Summer in Comox is surely best spent at the beach. Enjoy hours of beachcombing, swimming, kayaking, paddleboarding, and lounging in the sunshine. 

Activities, Markets and Food!

Homes for sale in Comox are close to some of the most incredible daytime activities and food markets. For those who would rather stay in the city, Comox has plenty of recreational opportunities. Residents who want to get a better sense of the town may find it beneficial to go on a tour of their choice. Tours are a great way to get to know the area and meet new people. Comox Valley offers tours of breweries, wineries, distilleries, and culinary hot spots. As well as, local art studios, galleries, and fishing tours. For the more adventurous citizens, there is also the Mount Washington ZipTour, which features ocean and alpine views!

Besides tours, Comox Valley also has nine different golf courses for residents to enjoy. These courses are perfect for all levels of experience. A day of golfing is a fun experience for friends and family. Check out the various golf courses in Comox Valley here

Furthermore, there are also tons of markets and craft fairs to peak your inner foodie. Local produce, handmade items, drinks, and baked goods can be found at the year-round Comox Valley Farmers’ Market. Comox offers a number of markets throughout the season in areas like Cumberland and Courtenay. These include the year-round Saturday market pop-up summer markets, fall markets and winter markets. If you are interested in what vendors will be at the market, check out the vendor location map. The map will be active by 5 pm the evening before the market. This way you can see if your favourite vendors will be attending. Moreover, the Comox Valley Farmers’ Market also offers an online store for citizens to support vendors. 

Buy Houses For Sale in Comox!

Houses for sale in Comox are close to so many summer activities! If you want to learn more about the various activities and seasonal opportunities, stay tuned to our blog. Houses for sale in Comox are the perfect place to spend your summer. For those who are interested in learning more about real estate in Comox Valley, reach out to us today. We’d be more than happy to help answer any questions that you may have about buying or selling real estate in this area. Contact us now and let our team of real estate experts help you achieve your real estate goals. We look forward to working with you in the near future!

canadian housing stats in comox valley royal lepage

Average Price of Properties in Comox Valley

Over the last few months, real estate prices have continued to grow across Canada. The national average price for a home jumped up more than 20% according to the Canadian Real Estate Association. This left the average price of homes in Canada at a whopping $816,720. The massive increase in demand for more spacious homes and recreational opportunities has gone hand-in-hand with high real estate prices. People are searching for properties that will ensure the highest quality of life while working remotely. A shift in priority to put one’s lifestyle before work is certainly present in today’s economy. If you are interested in learning more about the cost of housing and what’s to come for properties in Comox Valley, Continue reading along below!

Is There Hope on the Horizon for Canadian’s in Real Estate?

The vast increases in price have allowed outside investors to get a glimpse of what the Canadian real estate market currently looks like. Despite the pandemic, real estate costs have continued to skyrocket. The cost at which houses are going for continues to shock real estate agents whose main focus is on selling. Competition is an aggressive element in the present market. Buyers are one-upping each other with steep offers in order to secure a home. 

Thus, putting sellers in an incredible position to make a large profit. Furthermore, the aggregate composite home price index was up 3.5% relative to last year during February. Indicating, that this was the strongest monthly gain on record. All of this is according to BMO Capital Markets’ senior economist Robert Kavcic. 

Prices are going up at an innumerable rate and investors are a key component in the increase in demand. Canadians are now buying presale homes in places far from their current home. 

Fear is yet another factor in high home prices. Hostile bidding wars and a lack of homes on the market are driving up the cost of real estate. People are afraid that they won’t be able to find a suitable place to live once they sell their homes. However, now that restrictions are being lifted in B.C, the question of whether or not people will list their homes for sale is posed. 

For the time being, many Canadian residents are left out of options when it comes to finding real estate. The average Canadian doesn’t have an infinite amount of money to spend on real estate. Moreover, the ability to bid on any given number in order to keep up with other interested buyers is a luxury. It is because of the lack of affordability that many Canadians are faced with a dead-end in their real estate goals.

Trends in Canadian Real Estate Reflective of Comox Valley’s Market Condition. 

The Canadian Real Estate Association predicts that the national average home price will settle around $786,000 at the end of 2022. Which is a 14.3 percent increase year-over-year. For reference, the average price of a property in Comox Valley last month was $814,500. CREA’s predictions are lower than the national average for February of 2022. This is because they believe that the high prices we are currently seeing will drop off by the end of the year. This is an important stat to consider, as it foreshadows balance in the future of Canada’s real estate market.

For buyers who have been patiently waiting for things to drop off, things might start to look up in the coming weeks/months. With new interest rate increases from the Bank of Canada, fewer COVID-19 restrictions, and war in Ukraine, bids are slowing down. Signs of cooling are beginning to surface throughout B.C and other provinces.

Although, it does remain unclear whether or not sellers will ramp up again. Or, remain quiet as we head towards the summer months. Overall, CREA believes that national home sales will end up dropping 8 percent from 2021 this year. This is to be followed by an increase of 2.7 percent in 2023.

Buy and Sell Properties in Comox Valley!

Check out this article by the Comox Valley Record for more statistics on this topic! If you want to remain in the loop with the quickly changing Canadian real estate market, stay tuned to our blog. Properties in Comox Valley are highly sought after given the current conditions. For those who are interested in learning more about real estate in Comox Valley, reach out to us today. We’d be more than happy to help answer any questions that you may have about buying or selling real estate during a time like this. Contact us now and let our team of experts guide you through your real estate goals. We look forward to working with you in the near future!